Tag: God

God is Good – Psalm 145 NIV 2 Minute Devotional

What a glorious Psalm about God’s goodness. To ponder such great goodness, brings about praise as the Psalmist says: “Your saints will extol you.” Not only is God good now, but His goodness extends through all generations and beyond. Sometimes I struggle with why so many bad things happen to me. Bad things are all …

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A River of Blessing – Psalm 46 ESV 2 Minute Devotional

We don’t think much about the importance of rivers today, as we drive comfortably across bridges in air conditioned cars sipping from a bottle of clean water. To folks in the 19th century and earlier, rivers were their source of life-giving water. To have convenient access to a clean, clear, abundant supply of river water …

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Songs of Joy – Psalm 47 ESV 2 Minute Devotional

Have you ever felt the exuberant joy described in Psalm 47? Have you ever been overwhelmed with the wonder of the greatness of God that you just had to praise Him? I’ve been in audiences where the person on stage received a standing ovation. We clapped and shouted. Everyone had a smile on their face. …

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Turn to the Lord – Psalm 22 NIV 2 Minute Devotional

How hard is it to seek God? How hard is it to praise God? It takes some effort, but that effort is pleasing to God. Plus, the more you do it, the easier it becomes. Anyone can seek God. No matter the situation. Start by prayer, reading the Scriptures, look for Christian fellowship, listen to …

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I Cried Out to God for Help – Psalm 77 NIV 2 Minute Devotional

As I read through the Psalms, it always amazes me how instinctive it is for the Psalmist to passionately set his thoughts and prayers upon God, no matter what the circumstances. My instinct is to try to figure out how to deal with the situation first, then ask God for help. The Psalmist says: “I …

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Help Against the Foe – Psalm 60 ESV 2 Minute Devotional

Foes come in all different forms. For Christians in Egypt, they come with bombs and machine guns. For others, there is physical and mental persecution. The foe for some of us comes in the form of temptation and addictions. Just like the tiny animal in the picture, we feel small in the face of our …

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Spurgeon on “True Humility and God’s Glory” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

I’m proud to be humble pretty much summarizes my belief that I can grow spiritually through my own efforts. Because I say it, means it is so. Spurgeon’s quote helps me realize that all that I do, and all that I am is because of God, not me. Not that I am a bystander, but …

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Spurgeon on “God’s Love & Discipline” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

I can remember being disciplined by my parents. Sometimes it was a spanking, restriction of privileges, or a stern lecture. Normally, I knew exactly what the issue was. I did the wrong thing, and I was being punished for that specific deed. On this earth, parents are fallible, discipline and punishment can be abused, so …

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I Delight to do Your Will – Psalm 40 ESV 2 Minute Devotional

Why would God not delight in sacrifice and offerings? After all, He had set up the sacrificial system to provide His people with a means of dealing with their sins. The Psalmist makes it clear that our delight should be to do God’s will, and that it should be written on our hearts. Going through …

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Sing Praises to His Name! – Psalm 135 NASB 2 Minute Devotional

Praising God is special. For who he is, for what He does, for good or bad, in any circumstance, we can praise God. Praising God in the congregation with song is, to me, even more special. I don’t sing very good, but when the congregation sings together, I can lift my voice as well. There’s …

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