Tag: Spurgeon

Spurgeon on “For Want of Prayer” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

Floods can do a great deal of damage. Most recently we’ve prayed for our friends in Queensland. Over the past few years we’ve seen the devastation from tsunamis, hurricane Katrina and other flood disasters around the world. In the image, we can see the power of the flowing water as it sweeps down the mountainside. …

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Spurgeon on “Showers of Blessing” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

Do you remember Marley from the movie “A Christmas Carol?” He was weighted down forever with terrible chains, forged during his life by his sins. In this Spurgeon quote, we find another type of chain. This chain is made of God’s blessings, linked together in your life. This chain is light and uplifting, as you …

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Spurgeon on “Is There a Church in This House?” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

Today’s quote from Charles Spurgeon captures the hopes and prayers of christian parents everywhere. “Is there a Church in this house?” If there was one gift to leave with a son or daughter, it would be a strong vibrant faith in Jesus Christ as Savior. Just like the goose in the picture watches over its …

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Spurgeon on “The Great Dog of Hell” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

Some people are under the impression that it is possible to be fully sanctified this side of heaven. Is it really possible to be without sin in our daily lives here on earth? Perhaps when I am older I could isolate myself from the cares of this world. I could live without sin and temptation …

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Spurgeon on “No Place for Pride” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

As we grow older we are constantly adding to our resume. Employers, degrees, accomplishments, publications begin to add line after line. For many of us, such things are a source of pride, but how did we get to where we are? The truth is that each of us is blessed with talents and skills that …

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Spurgeon on “Forgive, as You Hope to be Forgiven” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

Forgiveness is in short supply in this world. It seems to be easier for some people to forgive than others. When someone spreads lies about you among friends or in the press, can you forgive them? Prominent politicians experience this regularly. What would I do in that case? There is something deeply spiritual about being …

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Spurgeon on “The Foolishness of Sin” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

It’s not popular to directly talk about and deal with sin in our lives, but in this quote, Spurgeon admonishes us to deal with it head on. We shouldn’t even laugh at it. The sea otter in the image is always playful and upbeat. We should be too, but it shouldn’t include dabbling in sin, …

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Spurgeon on “True Humility and God’s Glory” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

I’m proud to be humble pretty much summarizes my belief that I can grow spiritually through my own efforts. Because I say it, means it is so. Spurgeon’s quote helps me realize that all that I do, and all that I am is because of God, not me. Not that I am a bystander, but …

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Spurgeon on “God’s Love & Discipline” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

I can remember being disciplined by my parents. Sometimes it was a spanking, restriction of privileges, or a stern lecture. Normally, I knew exactly what the issue was. I did the wrong thing, and I was being punished for that specific deed. On this earth, parents are fallible, discipline and punishment can be abused, so …

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Spurgeon on “Ancient Treasures & Riches” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

When you have loved somebody for a very long time, it is a special relationship. Perhaps it is a spouse, parent, grandparent, sibling, or  childhood friend that you have known and loved for decades. You share lots of memories and events between you that nobody else can enjoy in the same way. In some cases, …

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