Will Rogers on “Drunken Sailors and Congressmen”

Will RogersYou’ve heard the expression: “He was spending money like a drunken sailor.” As I’ve watched congress over the past few years, I don’t think a drunken sailor can even outspend a seemingly sober Congressman. Both seem to lack any common sense whatsoever when it comes to money, and the Congressman’s recklessness is worse – because it isn’t even his own money!

The next morning the sailor wakes up with a headache and an empty wallet. He might even see the error of his way and vow never to act so stupidly again. Congressmen on the other hand, never suffer any consequences for reckless spending. In fact the more money they can appropriate, the more prestige they seem to gain.

The latest economic theory seems to be that by “stimulating” the economy with an injection of vast sums of money will turn things around. But enough is never enough, when it comes to money! In a December 2010 GQ interview with Vice President Joe Biden we find out: “He [Biden] tells us he believes—and thinks the people believe—that ‘the stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do, but it wasn’t enough.’

Wasn’t enough?!!! Will Rogers has a famous quote that says: “Congress wants everybody to go broke just to prove they are right.” Unemployment is at record levels, and we’re going broke alright!

Here’s where Will Rogers quote for today comes in. With the huge burden of debt, old-man interest rears his ugly head. It becomes a monster as it consumes more and more of our resources. Well, if you’re paying so much interest, you can’t demand anything because you don’t have the extra money, and you can’t supply anything because there’s no demand.

Somebody needs to come up with a 10 step program for Congressmen to teach them common sense spending habits. Wait just a minute! Did I put “common sense” and “congressman” in the same sentence? Heaven help us all!

Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.

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Will Rogers

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