Will Rogers on “Dying to pay Taxes”

Will RogersThe inheritance tax, as Will Rogers calls it, is today more affectionately known as the “death tax.” If you make the mistake of being too successful over the course of your life, the government feels obliged to take a cut.

Wait a minute, you’ve paid all the taxes on that “wealth” – worked hard, built a business, expanded a your farm, hired people to work for you. In my simple way of thinking, that seems to be a tax on money that’s already been taxed.

Not to worry. If I was a rich man and I die my patriotic death, my heirs can do their duty and pay the taxes. So what if they have to liquidate the business, sell the farm and fire the employees. They can proudly say: “We paid our taxes!” We’re patriots, one and all.

Actually, suppose I’m just one of the little guys – I’m not wealthy. When I die, I’ll pass on my old jalopy to the kids, along with the contents of my kitchen cupboards in the rental trailer. It’s been a good life, loving family, great kids, and a good job at the local factory.

The boss died last week, and all of us little guys are wondering what will happen. They say that they’re going to have to shut down the company to pay the taxes. The boss was a good and generous man, and we all loved him. I know he was a patriot, he loved his country, and always paid his taxes. I’ve been with the company a long time, but I guess I’ll do my patriotic duty too – look for another job.

Image Information: This picture was taken during the Will Rogers-Wiley Post ill-fated Alaska trip in August of 1935. Rogers was dispatching his Daily Telegram column up to the day of the crash on August 15.

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