
Welcome to the Systems of Merritt, Inc. iPhone product blog.

The Blog

They say that to be successful, a blog shouldn’t talk about religion or politics. Unfortunately that’s most of what I do talk about! Perhaps these topics are too controversial or polarizing. My desire however, it to encourage, inspire and provoke thought. It’s a daily journey, and I hope you will join me. God bless you!

This blog is written and maintained by Frank Merritt Braswell, the owner and founder of Systems of Merritt, Inc. The intent is to share our iPhone application product news with friends and customers.

About Systems of Merritt, Inc.

Systems of Merritt, Inc. is a small, independent developer of software and hardware. Started in 1989, the company has served several industries, including energy, print and manufacturing. The company is currently located in Upland, IN.

About Frank

Frank has been writing software since around 1977 while at Jacksonville University and building hardware since 1981 when he received his MSEE from the University of Illinois. Over the years he has worked or consulted with a variety of companies such as Conoco, QMS, Lockheed, Halmark Cards, Taylor Publishing and others.

According to Frank, “It’s humbling to know that my talent is on loan from God, and I thank Him every day for the privilege of creating the best products and delivering the best services possible for my customers.

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