Will RogersThe diplomats sure have been busy lately. From Will Rogers’ quote, I can only assume that if diplomats are busy there are two possibilities.
First is the possibility of war, revolution or some other sort of geopolitical instability. I remember that prior to the Second Gulf War, the entire UN got into the act along with our Congress. More diplomats came out of the woodwork, that termites in floor joists.
Second is the staging of global disarmament treaties and peace conferences. In this case, the work of diplomats is great for humor purposes, as we have seen in numerous Will Rogers’ quotes in this blog.
It seems that this administration and its foreign policy are completely devoid of common sense. They seem to view weakness, excuses, photo ops, bowing to foreign leaders, and soaring rhetoric as the tools of peaceful relations. Giving away all our bargaining chips doesn’t make the diplomat’s job any easier.
How about “Peace through Strength” as a guiding principle? That would give diplomats something to work with, and perhaps bring a little common sense and stability back to this crazy world. One can only hope, and vote!
Image Information: This picture is a still from Will Rogers movie “The Ropin’ Fool.” Will is getting read to do some lasso tricks.
The image was taken directly from movie stills at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
Have you ever felt the exuberant joy described in Psalm 47? Have you ever been overwhelmed with the wonder of the greatness of God that you just had to praise Him?
I’ve been in audiences where the person on stage received a standing ovation. We clapped and shouted. Everyone had a smile on their face. All attention was focused on the one person whose performance was beyond expectation, to the delight of all in attendance.
There have been church services that I have attended, where folks have stood and clapped and shouted praises to God in the midst of songs of praise. Most church services are a bit more subdued, but regardless, there is something special about joining together in song and praise to God. That’s why singing together is such an important part of the service.
What has God done for me that deserves such a response? Actually, it’s more than just God’s greatness as creator and king. It’s His salvation of my soul. It’s what Jesus did for us/me on the cross. It’s something that I couldn’t do for myself. Salvation is something that I don’t deserve, but that God chooses to give me grace.
That is worth all the praise I can give to God; clapping, shouting, singing with all my being!
Dear Lord, Grant me salvation that I might praise you. Cover my sins that I might sing and shout for joy; that I might love you with all my being. Amen
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 47 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.

Will RogersYou’ve heard the expression: “He was spending money like a drunken sailor.” As I’ve watched congress over the past few years, I don’t think a drunken sailor can even outspend a seemingly sober Congressman. Both seem to lack any common sense whatsoever when it comes to money, and the Congressman’s recklessness is worse – because it isn’t even his own money!
The next morning the sailor wakes up with a headache and an empty wallet. He might even see the error of his way and vow never to act so stupidly again. Congressmen on the other hand, never suffer any consequences for reckless spending. In fact the more money they can appropriate, the more prestige they seem to gain.
The latest economic theory seems to be that by “stimulating” the economy with an injection of vast sums of money will turn things around. But enough is never enough, when it comes to money! In a December 2010 GQ interview with Vice President Joe Biden we find out: “He [Biden] tells us he believes—and thinks the people believe—that ‘the stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do, but it wasn’t enough.’”
Wasn’t enough?!!! Will Rogers has a famous quote that says: “Congress wants everybody to go broke just to prove they are right.” Unemployment is at record levels, and we’re going broke alright!
Here’s where Will Rogers quote for today comes in. With the huge burden of debt, old-man interest rears his ugly head. It becomes a monster as it consumes more and more of our resources. Well, if you’re paying so much interest, you can’t demand anything because you don’t have the extra money, and you can’t supply anything because there’s no demand.
Somebody needs to come up with a 10 step program for Congressmen to teach them common sense spending habits. Wait just a minute! Did I put “common sense” and “congressman” in the same sentence? Heaven help us all!
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
The image matched with this quote certainly shows what look like “giant walls” which fits nicely with Spurgeon’s quote. The word munitions normally implies materials used in war, but a second more general meaning is “material or equipment for carrying on any undertaking.” Lord, help us to be secure in whatever task you have planned for us.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.

What could a young lion possibly want. They’re at the top of the food chain! Perhaps it’s the never-ending cycle of want and hunger that the Psalmist mentions – never being satisfied.
I’m a tech guy – always wanting newer and faster computers and gadgets. Can the things of this life cause us to not fear or respect God as we should. They can and they do.
Dear Lord, help me to seek you more each day and to thank you for every good thing that comes from your hand.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 34 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.

Labor Day is a funny name for a holiday. It’s a day when nobody works, or wants to work. Labor unions started observing a labor day in 1882, and Congress passed an act in 1894 making the first Monday in September a national holiday.
In 1929, Will Rogers noted that: “How Congress knew anything about labor is beyond us…” I guess, not much has changed since Will Rogers’ day. Congress didn’t pass a budget last year, they spend money like a drunken sailor, unemployment is up, and the administration hires another professor from academia to advise the president on economic affairs. Do we have any confidence that anyone in Washington knows what they’re doing when it comes to business and labor?
Here’s the latest word from the genius economic advisors in the administration. Unemployment checks are good because people spend the money and stimulate the economy. The more checks, the more stimulus! I don’t think these guys can tell the difference between grits and sawdust!
As if that weren’t enough, the EPA, DOJ, INS, NLRB, and every other Federal agency is burdening business with regulations and lawsuits that kill job growth.
Well, that’s all I’ve got to say about that. Now I have to submit Form GOLB1024 to the Dept. of Communication, confirming that this blog was non-partisan and meets the kindness threshold for internet blog posts. By the way, the form states that the Office of Paperwork Reduction has cut the length of the form in half by reducing the size of the type from 12 point to 6 point.
Have a great Labor Day!
Photo Information: Once Will Rogers found out he could get places faster by flying, he was constantly in the air. In this picture, Will climbs into an open cockpit airplane.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.

President Reagan, Will Rogers Shared Common Gifts, Careers
By Joe Carter
Ronald Reagan was a 24-year-old aspiring actor when Will Rogers was Hollywood’s towering star. While the two icons were never personally acquainted, their lives spiraled similarly.
In 1941, six years following Rogers’ death, an unsigned memorandum at Warner Brother Pictures in California read: “Why not try to test Ronald Reagan for the part of Will Rogers? He is droll homely humorous and an all around good actor.” That memo prefaces the definitive 1993 Ben Yagoda book now sold by the University of Oklahoma Press entitled: “Will Rogers: A Biography.” Yagoda opined: “Ronald Reagan didn’t get to play Will Rogers in the movie biography (Will Rogers Jr., got the part) but who with his “well” ’s and shrugs, his just-folks bonhomie, managed a pretty impressive Rogers impersonation in the White House.”
In 1990, Oklahoma’s Will Rogers Memorial Commission awarded its first “Will Rogers Communicator Award” to the former President. The late Jim Rogers, Will Rogers’ son, presented the plaque designed by Paul Lefebvre of Oklahoma City. During the private exchange in Beverly Hills, Reagan told Jim Rogers: “Will Rogers always was my hero.” I was present and heard the warm exchange. Ronald Reagan’s retirement home was near the sprawling Will Rogers Historical Park with its glamorous polo field at Pacific Palisades, California. Before he was stricken ten years ago by Alzheimer ’s disease, the former President often would casually attend polo matches at the park cheering the horsemen.
Like Will Rogers, Ronald Reagan rode. Both were proud to be called a “cowboy.” There was a quarter century difference in their ages. Will Rogers was born on an Oklahoma ranch in 1879 and Reagan was born in Illinois in 1911. At age 55, Will Rogers was killed in a 1935 air crash in Alaska. Ronald Reagan died at 93.
Intensely interested in politics, both boasted careers in radio, movies and public speaking. Will Rogers became a major newspaper columnist, author and stage actor.
Both men scored in cinema. Reagan debuted in “Love in on the Air” in 1937. Will Rogers, beginning in 1918, starred in 71 features. Neither actor won an Oscar.
Both were actively outspoken in collective bargaining for actors’ wages and working conditions. Rogers was more behind the scenes. Reagan in 1947 was elected president of the Screen Actors Guild.
Reagan was a Democrat who switched parties in 1962. Will Rogers said: “I’m not a member of any organized party, I’m a Democrat.” Will Rogers was playfully nominated by Life Magazine in 1928 as a prank candidate for President of the United States and declared “if elected I’ll resign.” “Another big reason I should be nominated is I am not a Democrat,” Will Rogers wrote. “Another bigger reason why I should be nominated is I am not a Republican. I am just progressive enough to suit the dissatisfied. And lazy enough to be a Stand Patter.”
Ronald Reagan was more earnest in politics. After supporting Eisenhower and Nixon for president as a Democrat, he became a Republican who twice won the governorship of California and the American presidency.
(Note: Joe Carter is a Will Rogers biographer and former director of the Will Rogers Memorial Commission of Claremore, Oklahoma.)
Click for original post: President Reagan, Will Rogers Shared Common Gifts, Careers
Will Rogers
Hurry up, God! I need this, I need that – right now! Perhaps we are far too impatient, which is why we can identify with the plea in Psalm 70 – “make haste to help me, O Lord!”
I have trouble waiting for paychecks. They never seem to come in time. Yet our needs have been met every time. Unexpected income and help from friends have taught us to “rejoice and be glad” as we see God’s provision for us time and again.
The beautiful dolphins in the image convey speed, power and grace as they glide through the water. Perhaps we can believe that God comes to our aid with speed, power and grace. Make haste, O God! For God’s provision let us say with the Psalmist “Let God be magnified!”
Dear Lord, When I am poor and needy, come quickly and deliver me. Let me love your salvation and magnify you continually. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 70 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ASV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.

A friend stopped by last night and was telling us how she had used a “blue” bottle to feed milk to baby kittens. It took us a while to figure out that she was saying “glue” bottle. Communication problems seem to happen in our house all the time. Sometimes the results can be quite humorous as with “no man is an island” turns into “no mayonnaise in Ireland.”
With God, there are no translation or communication problems when it comes to our prayers. The God who fashioned our very being and bodies understands our needs as we express them in prayer.
I thought this image fit well with the verse. Ears that large have got to be very sensitive to even the smallest noise or the most distant sound. How sensitive do we think God’s ears are? Do we have the faith to “direct our prayer unto thee and will look up?” Lord, help us to have the faith to believe that you hear us.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 5 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes KJV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.

Our form of government is truly amazing. Power peacefully changes hands as often as every four years. Votes and not machine guns determine the outcome of elections. If you don’t approve of who is in office, there’s always the next election.
The image is from one of Rogers’ silent movies called Jubilo from February 1920. Rogers plays a lazy roving hobo who encounters a rancher’s pretty daughter and reforms, slowly, painfully, but completely.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.

Test post
Will RogersThose poor Democrats, along with the mainstream media, just can’t seem to denounce anything these days without making a mess of it. It looks like they haven’t changed since Will Rogers published this quote in 1930!
Whoever is advising them, doesn’t know the difference between gasoline and water when it comes to putting out a fire. The more Democrats try to denounce former presidents, governors, talk show hosts, and tea party movements, the stronger they get.
Trying to denounce “right-wing” rhetoric for the actions of a homicidal maniac is about as low as it gets, especially considering the inflammatory speech often used by members of their own party.
The lack of credibility is showing up at the ballot box, in newspaper circulation and in nationwide polls. Let them go ahead and keep denouncing. As Will Rogers said: “They are where they are today by picking on the wrong things.”
Image Information: This is an image of Will Rogers (behind the wheel) and his wife Betty in a Model A Ford.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
Will RogersHere’s a story for you.
Farmer Jones down the road is a strange bird. Somewhere he got the idea that spending all his money and borrowing like there’s no tomorrow is a way to improve his farm.
Papa always taught me to be thrifty and Mama would tan my hide if I wasted a nickel. I save my money and don’t spend more than I make. Farmer Jones is mighty educated though, so maybe he knows what he’s doin’.
Lately though, there’s been more people gathered at the Jones farm and activity than slopped hogs at the trough. New tools arrive by the truckload, new buildings, electric tractors and animals.
But there seems to be a problem. I’ve loaned him all the money I can and he’s emptied his silos to buy expensive cattle scanners. He’s been begging me for more, but I just don’t have any more to lend. He promised that even if he can’t pay me back his kids and grandkids can handle it.
With all that money you would think the Jones place would be going gangbusters. Funny thing is that half of his farm hands have been laid off, because the shovels weren’t ready. The building projects kept people busy for a short time, but they ran out of money half way through. I also noticed that the people managing his projects were the same ones that ran his campaign for Commissioner of Bug-tussle County. Sometimes I see ’em walkin’ down the road with suitcases full of money.
The other day I asked Farmer Jones if he hoped things would change for the better. He said that he was thinking that this was the new normal. Then he asked me: “Brother, can you spare a dime?”
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
When I am ill, or under some sort of affliction, it’s not really a time that I would normally think of as a faith-building experience. My instinct is to focus on myself and complain to anyone who will listen.
In Judges 14 we find the story of Samson that Spurgeon mentions in the quote. One day while Samson is walking along the road, a young lion “came toward him roaring.” Then is says that the Spirit of the Lord came upon him and, with his bare hands, he tore the lion apart in pieces.
Later Samson returned to the place to find a swarm of bees in the carcass of the lion, and Samson scraped the honey out with his hands and ate it, and gave some to his mother and father.
From the account of Scripture, we know that Samson was a strong guy, but notice that the Spirit of the Lord came upon him as the lion came toward him. God was with Samson during this deadly confrontation. I have trouble carving a turkey with a knife, but Samson tore apart a lion with his bare hands!
From this story, we find out that God was with Samson during the trial, and saved his life, plus sweet honey grew out of the aftermath. So it should be with us if we rightly consider our situation as Spurgeon says.
Dear Lord, Help me to acknowledge your presence during trials, so that my faith may grow stronger. I praise you for the honey that grows out of the adversity, the sweet taste after the bitter trial. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.