Tag: sun

May His Name Endure Forever – Psalm 72 NIV 2 Minute Devotional

The sun plays a major role in our lives. The sunrise marks a 24 hour cycle we can’t ignore. If the cycle changed in length it would have a profound effect on us, but the sun never changes. It’s there for us every day, constant, unchanging. The sun has been there since ancient days, it’s …

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Spurgeon on “Daily Strength” ~ 2 Minute Devotional

When I was working on my masters degree at the University of Illinois I built instrumentation for their Aeronomy program. We made rocket payloads that would gather data from the upper atmosphere which would allow us to look at the nature of energetic particles that stream down the earth’s magnetic fields. I love science and …

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Sun & Shield – Psalm 84 ASV 2 Minute Devotional

Matching the image and quote adds quite a bit to the meaning of the selected verse. The geese flying against the beautiful sunset conveys the natural beauty of this world and God’s majesty. It should remind us of his protection as a shield. It should also remind us to walk uprightly. I hope you have …

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