One of the most famous passages of literature is Psalm 23. It truly captures our soul’s desire, that we would be led by the Great Shepherd to the quiet waters.
This verse can certainly be applied to many areas of life. Our brave combat soldiers might take “walk through the valley of the shadow of death” quite literally. Financial struggles might not be a matter of life and death, but they can weigh heavily upon us. This Psalm brings hope to all believers in all circumstances.
I thought the image of the sheep looked like it might be speaking to us. Modern day sheep need their shepherd, just like in the days of David the king.
I thank the Lord that even when I am prone to wander, he brings me back to the flock, and cares for me, and comforts me.
This image is a screenshot of the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app, and it allows you to scroll through the rest of the verse.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 67 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
We’re going to hear a whole bunch of lame ducks quacking real soon! The congressional pond will be alive with flapping and splashing.
Rogers’ definition of “lame duck Congress” is dead on! The bums that were thrown out for not doing their job get one last chance to do some damage. Let’s pray that they don’t “burn the house down!”
Image Information: This image is from a Will Rogers’ silent movie called An Unwilling Hero, released in 1921. Rogers plays Whistling Dick, a hobo who loves life and classical music. He loves just about everything except work.
The image was taken directly from movie stills at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
How could Rogers know the consequences of cutting back on our defense in 1933? He had lived through WWI, peace conferences, and disarmament talks, and he had an amazing insight into human nature.
Today we have many of the same issues. We look to the UN for peace talks. We talk about nuclear disarmament. Some administrations cut back on defense technologies, support and strength. Additionally reducing our military strength are social engineering projects among military personnel.
The bad guys are still the bad guys. Weakness is their signal for action and aggression. Laying down our weapons doesn’t mean they will lay down their weapons or like us.
We have a department of defense, not offense. Our weapons protect and defend our citizens and interest. Will Rogers knew what would happen if the US cut back her defense. We should know as well.
Image Information: The image of Rogers is from his 1921 silent film Guile of Women. Rogers plays a Swede named Yal who travels with a friend to America to seek his fortune. After misfortunes in love and business, his girlfriend finally arrives from Sweden.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will RogersLame ducks have been seen waddling down the halls of Congress lately. Unfortunately for these birds, there isn’t any more loot left in the National Treasury. There’s not even enough for a bridge to nowhere or a new post office building with their name on it. All the quacking and flapping around to raise the roof wouldn’t even be enough to bring home funds to widen Polecat Creek these days.
Without any money left, the hope these days is that there is a minimum amount of damage these poor rejected birds can do before they leave the Congressional pond and return to Polecat Creek back home.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
Will RogersWill Rogers is famous for his good old-fashioned common sense. If there was ever a Will Rogers quote that highlights the utter foolishness and irresponsibility of the way the Congress has spent our taxpayer money, and borrowed against our future generations, it is here.
Since Will Rogers published this quote in 1932, Congress hasn’t learned this simple lesson – “don’t spend money, if you don’t know where it’s coming from.” I don’t know what the opposite of common sense is, but Congress has taken it to the extreme.
So how does Congress get away with such reckless spending? Easy, call it by some fancy sounding name. How about “stimulus” or Keynesian Economics.
Only the very brightest economic minds in Congress and the administration should be making such important decisions on the economy, Right? Only they are qualified to make such important economic decisions for the rest of us. In fact, right now we are hearing that the massive stimulus spending “worked” and we need to spend more to “finish” the job!
In the meantime, the rest of us balance our checkbooks every month and carry the freight for the lack of common sense in Congress.
Image Information: This picture was taken during the Will Rogers-Wiley Post ill-fated Alaska trip in August of 1935. These would be some of the last pictures of Will Rogers.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
Will RogersJust like Will Rogers said in 1932, voters seemed to “vote against all of ’em” recently. The funny thing was that the Democrats were the ones that overwhelmingly got voted against. The other funny thing is that the Democrats were the ones that didn’t seem to have a clue what the voters were going to do.
I think it works the other way around as well. No politician is going to do anything a voter thinks he will do. The voters didn’t have a clue what the legislators were going to do as we entered the previous legislative cycle.
Healthcare? We didn’t know congress was going to take over one sixth of the economy. Bailouts? Who ever thought GM would become Government Motors. Stimulus and deficit spending? Congress seems to be fine with the idea that our children will pay for it.
Well, the voters voted against ’em all right. They cleaned house. Next time, politicians might want to take note of how the voters feel when they veer off the road of common sense.
This picture was taken during the Will Rogers-Wiley Post ill-fated Alaska trip in August of 1935. Famous Aviator Wiley Post is pictured standing on the pontoon of the aircraft.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
What’s hip, what’s hot, what ain’t I got? If it’s a cool electronic gadget or faster computer, I want it! I used to lust after an iPhone 4, until I got one recently. Now I want an iPad. After that who knows. Just give me the latest thing on the market.
Modern marketing is not built on contentment! The reason is that our fallen nature is prone to envy and greed. It can never be satisfied. We always want more, more, MORE!
When I consider what Christ has done for me, however, I realize there is nothing more to be desired. His work is complete. I can rest, contented in his love. As a result, I should be content with God’s purpose for me and where he has placed me, along with what possessions has blessed me with. If I can love my neighbor, as Christ loves me, there will be no envy.
Charles H. Spurgeon (pictured with this quote), 1834-1892, was the foremost preacher of the 19th century. His many sermons, devotions, and books bring a unique, inspiring, and spiritual significance to biblical truth. What is most surprising is that Spurgeon had no formal theological training. Even so, he became widely recognized for his insight and prowess in biblical teaching.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Will RogersThe week prior to the date of this quote was the week the stock market crashed in 1929. Leave it to Will Rogers to find a bit of humor in such times.
The Roaring ’20s was a time of prosperity and optimism that expressed itself in not only the culture, but the rising stock market as well.
Many people were invested, not just the wealthy, and furthermore, many people bought stocks on margin. That was great, if the market continued on an upward trend, but if the market went down the leverage could be devastating.
This Will Rogers’ quote beautifully expressed the attitude of the 1920s. Investors gambled their savings on the market continuing to rise, but never considered the fact it would go down. According to Rogers, they should have never gambled in the first place.
Image: Will Rogers flew everywhere once he found out it was the fastest way to get places. From his flight suit, you can tell he was getting ready to fly in an open cockpit airplane. Later he would be a prominent promoter of commercial aviation.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
My prayers always seem to be most earnest when I’m in the midst of a difficulty, when I’m sinking, or when I’ve gone under. When Peter was distracted by the wind and waves in Matthew 14 he began to sink. At that point Peter cried out for Jesus to save him.
I’m so thankful that even when we get distracted, Jesus is merciful and hears our frantic prayers. May the Lord help us to remain focused on Him!
I chose this picture of the walrus to go with the Spurgeon quote. This strange creature doesn’t look like it should float, yet it is perfectly adapted for the water.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Will RogersYou’ve heard the expression: “He was spending money like a drunken sailor.” As I’ve watched congress over the past few years, I don’t think a drunken sailor can even outspend a seemingly sober Congressman. Both seem to lack any common sense whatsoever when it comes to money, and the Congressman’s recklessness is worse – because it isn’t even his own money!
The next morning the sailor wakes up with a headache and an empty wallet. He might even see the error of his way and vow never to act so stupidly again. Congressmen on the other hand, never suffer any consequences for reckless spending. In fact the more money they can appropriate, the more prestige they seem to gain.
The latest economic theory seems to be that by “stimulating” the economy with an injection of vast sums of money will turn things around. But enough is never enough, when it comes to money! In a December 2010 GQ interview with Vice President Joe Biden we find out: “He [Biden] tells us he believes—and thinks the people believe—that ‘the stimulus did exactly what it was supposed to do, but it wasn’t enough.’”
Wasn’t enough?!!! Will Rogers has a famous quote that says: “Congress wants everybody to go broke just to prove they are right.” Unemployment is at record levels, and we’re going broke alright!
Here’s where Will Rogers quote for today comes in. With the huge burden of debt, old-man interest rears his ugly head. It becomes a monster as it consumes more and more of our resources. Well, if you’re paying so much interest, you can’t demand anything because you don’t have the extra money, and you can’t supply anything because there’s no demand.
Somebody needs to come up with a 10 step program for Congressmen to teach them common sense spending habits. Wait just a minute! Did I put “common sense” and “congressman” in the same sentence? Heaven help us all!
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
When I went to vote, I had to stand in line. I don’t like to wait, I’m pretty impatient. I did get to visit with friends, but I would rather have been on my way.
There’s no better picture of patience than the penguin. Male penguins sit atop their nest for weeks in order to protect their eggs. They can’t move or the eggs will freeze, so they sit patiently, through storm and bitter cold.
Waiting for the Lord is tough, but Psalm 27 admonishes us to take courage. God’s timetable is not our own and with patience He begins to align our timetable with His. We might think it is too late, but God is right on time with the answer.
Dear Lord, help me to be patient, let my heart take courage as I trust in you, even through storm and bitter cold. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 27 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Will RogersJust about the time you think you’ve won the “big contest” as Will Rogers says, something else pops up. It’s like that “hit the gopher” game. No matter how many times you knock the gophers back into their holes, more keep popping up.
We thought we had health care knocked down, and at the last minute it popped up and passed. Now there are “health gophers” popping up all over the place; in the congress, courts, radio, TV, doctors offices, insurance agencies, internet blogs, etc.
In the last election, lots of gophers got whacked, but then all those whacked lame gophers popped back up for one last bit of mischief. Now the budget gophers, tax cut gophers, clean air gophers, deficit gophers, and a hundred others are showing up. You can’t walk a straight line across the lawn in D.C. without stepping in a hole.
The people are trying to win, but nowadays, even when Congress adjourns, gophers still play their games.
I have faith that the American people will overcome this gopher challenge, and pound those rascals permanently into the ground. Unless, of course, gophers are declared an endangered species by the Department of the Interior.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
Walking down the halls of power in Washington is an amazing experience as you consider the history of the place. The power to impact millions of people, worldwide is the responsibility of these legislators.
Have you ever watched a machine crush a car into a small cube? Have you watched a rocket launch, with fire, smoke, and an earth shaking roar of the engines. This is physical power, harnessed and used by man.
Consider the forces of nature. Hurricanes, volcanoes, lightning, tornados, earthquakes or tsunamis wield power so great, we are helpless before them.
We might tremble in the presence of powers mentioned above. We harness power, fear it, and respect it in its many forms, but what about the power of God? God’s power not only moves in our physical world, but in the spiritual world as well.
We should fear and respect God’s strength, power and might. Along with the Psalmist we should also respond with praise. Praise God for His mighty power, at work in and around us.
Dear Lord, You created this world, and oversee everything that happens. Such power and strength is too awesome for me to comprehend! Yet you care for me. Let me “sing and praise your might.” Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 21 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
These little lambs in the picture are pretty cute! You can almost imagine them speaking and giving thanks and praise to God.
This image fits wonderfully with Psalm 100 – we are the sheep of his pasture. The imagery of the Psalms is amazing and wonderful. Through it, God expresses His love for us with many different word pictures. Because God is our creator, and he cares for our needs, we should give him our praise and thanksgiving, freely and with enthusiasm.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 100 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
This quote is from Spurgeon’s Morning and Evening Devotional. The code M12-19 means that it is from the Morning reading on December 19.
The sparrow image was chosen to match the quote and really helps to emphasize God’s care for the least of His created creatures and how he truly cares for each of us.
The Spurgeon Quotes iPhone app has quotes for each day of the year with a matching image. The day’s quote is presented when the app is launched, plus you can browse through the other quotes if desired.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.