In today’s world, redemption seems so bland and colorless. The reason is because sin is only seen as a light shade of gray. It is barely mentioned these days, even from the pulpit. Sin is rationalized, in order to avoid personal responsibility. Sin is made comfortable in order not to offend the sinner. It is our very nature to avoid dealing with sin in our lives.
Now consider the difference between turning on a light in the middle of the day, verses turning on the same light in the blackness of the night. In one case there is little or no effect from the light, but at night we have to shade our eyes and turn our head from the brilliance of the light.
Only when we begin to understand the deep blackness of our sin can we fully understand the “resplendent” redemption of God. We must shade our eyes, turn our head and give deep heart-felt praise to God for such great grace.
Dear Lord, As I consider the terrible suffering of Christ on the cross, help me understand that it was because of my terrible sins. It is then that my redemption does resplendently shine. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Will RogersThose poor Democrats just couldn’t get their message out. They raided the National Treasury for enough “stimulus” loot to build a highway to the moon and back, and borrowed enough money for Amtrack rails and trains to Mars. Did the voters appreciate being showered with all those billions? Apparently not.
I think that the shovel-ready jobs must not have had enough shovels ready. Nobody got charged up about all the new fangled electric cars that cost so much to build. Nobody got any change from all the hope out there, not even a dime.
There are an unusually large number of Democrat lame ducks gathered at the Congressional pond these days. Their once-proud feathers are ruffled and frayed.
I have one last question for them. Where’s did all that loot go?!
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
To examine one’s faith is a most difficult, but most necessary exercise, for both young and old, as Spurgeon points out in this quote. It is something that you must do on your own, in a quiet moment, like the penguin in the picture.
What state am I in? Do I have forgiveness of sins through Jesus Christ? Am I a Christian? Am I growing in Christ? Am I struggling with sin? How can I know these things. Should I trust someone else’s opinion of my faith in God?
The only way to truly examine one’s faith is by God’s Word, the Bible. According to Ephesians 2:8-9 we are saved by grace, not by works. If you think good works such as helping the poor or going to Church are going to get you to heaven, ask God for grace and forgiveness of your sins.
Are you a Christian, but are lacking in assurance and growth as a believer. Look to and study the Scriptures, and seek fellowship with other believers for help. Lack of assurance does not necessarily mean lack of salvation. Be patient, assurance will come with growth.
Dear Lord, As I examine my faith, as I look into your Scriptures, work in my heart and life. Help my faith to grow so that I may come, at last, to your promised rest. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
As with so many of Rogers’ quotes, nothing has changed in politics after all these years. Congress is still counting mythical beans.
There is a slight problem though. Taxpayers, their children and grandchildren will have to pay for the mythical beans!
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebookpage regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
How much is integrity worth? It’s hard to say, but if we are truthful and honest in our business, social and family life, we can walk blameless before the Lord. Those around us will also be blessed.
How much is lack of integrity worth? Judging from some of the huge corporate and investment frauds in recent years, it can run into huge amounts of money. The persons responsible usually go to jail, and countless investors lose their money.
Dear Lord, help me to seek you with all my heart, and walk blameless before you, and before others, that you may be honored and others may be blessed.
The butterfly in the image is a small creature, however it’s beauty is large, and pleasing to our eye. If we walk blameless in even the small things, perhaps our good works will be large before God, and pleasing to others.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 119 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Do you remember Marley from the movie “A Christmas Carol?” He was weighted down forever with terrible chains, forged during his life by his sins.
In this Spurgeon quote, we find another type of chain. This chain is made of God’s blessings, linked together in your life. This chain is light and uplifting, as you count the links and ponder each blessing. Spurgeon also talks of “showers of blessing,” that rain down upon the believer. Have you ever seen a parched plant after a spring shower? Almost immediately you can see the change as the plant revives and takes on new beauty. In this image of the leaf, you can almost feel the refreshment of the water upon its surface.
Do you have the converting grace from God? Salvation through Jesus and the forgiveness of our sins is the greatest blessing of all. With that Spurgeon says comes comforting grace and blessings undeserved. This gives us hope during the difficult times and helps us share an encouraging word with others who are in need.
Dear Lord, I give you thanks and praise for your “showers of blessing,” for undeserved grace and refreshing water from heaven. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Sometimes we engage in struggles to accomplish a particular goal. I was out shoveling snow this morning. It’s a lot of work! The more I shoveled, the more tired I got. My heart was racing and my body was getting weaker. I did finish finally, and sat down in a warm room to catch my breath. The work was accomplished, my energy spent, and the struggle was over.
The image shows a fish swimming upstream in an epic battle to reach the spawning grounds. All of his energy will be spent reaching the goal. The Psalmist, in this passage is engaged in struggle as well. There are prayers, tears and earnest pleas for help. He has committed a tremendous amount of energy toward seeking God. The Psalmist also recognizes that he is a sojourner. His stay on earth is temporary, and while here, his hope is in the Lord.
Dear Lord, Help me to turn to you in earnest prayer with passion and energy, that I may find your peace. Show me your salvation in Jesus as I seek you. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 39 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
I’ve been afraid on a few occasions – a near collision on the highway, taxi rides in N.Y. City, almost falling off a ladder.
You know the feeling. Your hands start shaking and your heart is racing. It’s not the time to think about sleep, in fact you may have trouble sleeping for a few days as you ponder what might have happened.
The Psalmist says that he “will not fear the tens of thousands drawn up against me on every side.” This takes amazing confidence and faith. I get concerned if even one person is angry at me, yet we have an image of the Psalmist facing battle and certain death as hordes of adversaries gather against him. The Psalmist sleeps and wakes because the Lord sustains him.
Dear Lord, Help my faith to grow so that I can rest confidently in the knowledge that you care, protect and provide for me moment by moment. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 3 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Below is an extra treat! The Sons of Korah have put Psalm 3 to music. Listen to a sample below and purchase your own copy at the iTunes store by clicking on the button.
I really like the “Bambi” images because they fit well with a number of Psalms. The iPhone screen shot below shows the fawn with Psalm 18:35 (NIV). I thought this fit well with the contrast between humility and greatness mentioned in the Psalm. The screen shot comes from the Daily Psalms NIV product.
How hard is it to seek God? How hard is it to praise God? It takes some effort, but that effort is pleasing to God. Plus, the more you do it, the easier it becomes.
Anyone can seek God. No matter the situation. Start by prayer, reading the Scriptures, look for Christian fellowship, listen to the preaching of God’s word and other activities that will encourage you in your faith. As you seek the Lord, you will want to praise Him for the grace He has given you.
When I exercise, even these old, tired muscles of mine get stronger. However, the exercise must be regular, and it must challenge the muscles to grow. Allowing my faith to grow is similar, and the result is a healthy, strong and vibrant faith.
According to the psalm, the results are significant: “All the ends of the earth will remember and turn to the Lord,” and “The poor will eat and be satisfied.” As I get stronger, I can encourage my family to get stronger, and together we can encourage other families, and so on, God helping us along the way.
Have you never sought God before. Then let’s pray together.
Dear Lord, Help me to seek you, that I might praise you for your saving grace, through Jesus. No matter what my sin, it can be forgiven. I want to believe, Lord, help my unbelief. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 22 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Systems of Merritt, Inc. has added some great new features to its line of iPhone applications.
The help and tips options give the user lots of information on how to use the program. The splash screen option simply shows the splash screen.
Staying in touch with customers is important to Systems of Merritt, and the contact Frank option allows the user to easily compose and send an email directly to the developer.
The information section has some additional useful options. If you want to know were the images came from touch the credit option. The share option is a great way to share the quote and image to a friend. If you enjoy the application, please use the rate this app option so that others will know. The option takes you to the iTunes store where you can add your ratings and comments to the app page.
Finally, there is a products option that will list all of the Systems of Merritt products. If you enjoy this product, you might also enjoy on of our other fine products.
Are there some more features you would really like to see? Let us know with a quick note from the email the developer option. We love to hear from our users!
Will RogersIt’s impossible to add much to a Will Rogers quote like this one! Over the past couple of years, we have watched an overactive congress pass a boatload of some of the most controversial and unpopular legislation ever. Along with that, they have spent and borrowed more money than even a drunken sailor could imagine.
Now that another party controls the House, the press is squawking about legislation designed to undo what was done by the other party. Every day we hear about more legislation for cutting this, defunding that and investigating something else.
As if people weren’t concerned enough about Federal legislation, state legislatures are capturing national attention. To add to the drama, some legislators are even fleeing state capitals.
Protests, rallys, demonstrations, radio, TV, newspapers and the internet are loaded to the limit with legislative news! When will they take a break, and let us relax for a few precious moments?
Image Information: Once Will Rogers found out he could get places faster by flying, he was constantly in the air. If you read his Daily Telegram articles, you will find him hopscotching across the country on a regular basis. In this picture he is standing in front of an open seat airplane, and is holding a flying helmet. Will Rogers was a great promoter of commercial aviation and was also acquainted with many of the great aviators of the day including Lindberg, Mitchell and Post.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
This Will Rogers quote is from 1929, and we are still trying to figure out today if we are crooks or martyrs when it comes to the income tax form. It’s kind of humorous that today we have a Treasury Secretary, in charge of the IRS, that goofed up (in his favor) on his own income tax forms.
If you think that’s funny, try calling the IRS for help on your tax forms. Depending on who you get on the phone, phase of the moon, sunspot cycles and ozone levels, you can get a variety of different answers to the same question.
I have to hire an accountant to do my taxes. I can’t imagine how he keeps up with the tax code. It’s got more patches than a quilt and more loopholes than a handmade rug.
I don’t want to be rich, because then I could’t afford to die. But if I do die, I’ll never know for sure if income tax forms made me a crook or martyr. I just hope the IRS can’t repossess a used casket. (I had to dig deep for that one!)
Can I deduct underwear donated to the Salvation Army? Three out of five IRS representatives said yes. In golf, at least you know if you are a liar or not.
Image Information: This image shows Will Rogers riding with two of his children. Will loved horses and taught his children that same love and respect.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will RogersWill has it right again. Unfortunately, it seems that legislation put the patients in the hearse in the first place. That produces a crisis, which produces more legislation to fix the problem. “Never let a crisis go to waste” says one political advisor.
Perhaps we need to roll back legislation that will cause a crisis in the first place. Oh, but that would take political courage, that would take a statesman, not a politician! Perhaps voters will see the difference.
Image Information: The image of Rogers is from his 1921 silent film Guile of Women. Rogers plays a Swede named Yal who travels with a friend to America to seek his fortune. After misfortunes in love and business, his girlfriend finally arrives from Sweden.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
Will RogersAfter WWI numerous peace [disarmament] conferences were held. Will Rogers attended for the humor value and sent dispatches back to the U.S. newspapers. He saw the futility in such agreements that tried to limit arms, as if that would bring world peace.
In this Will Rogers quote, he points out that even if we try to limit arms, it still won’t keep nations from coming up with new ways to kill people. Little did Rogers know in 1929 that within 15 years civilization would advance into the atomic age with weapons so powerful, entire cities could be wiped off the map.
Yet this quote still rings true today. Treaties, hailed as advances toward world peace might reduce some aging weapons, but new ones are always being developed to take their place.
But it’s worse than that. The U.S. seems to be willing to lay down arms and even limit vital defensive capabilities, even if the other side doesn’t abide by the terms of the treaty. That doesn’t even take into account rogue nations whose stated intent is to use nuclear weapons to destroy their enemies, including the U.S.
This is real simple. A strong defense is the best offense. Oceans don’t protect us like they used to. If we don’t develop the best defensive and offensive technologies we won’t be able to protect ourselves and our allies from future threats. Nobody wants to find out that we have no defense against an enemy that has a better way to kill us in the next war. But that would also assume we had leaders that possessed common sense.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers