Will RogersThere’s a lot of “Oinking” going on in the halls of Congress. It takes a big hog waller to handle all the pork, so big in fact, that it’s impossible to manage all the hogs. They’re running here and there, squealing and oinking, as Congressmen and aids try to gather them up and ship them back to the home district. Some crooks have been caught stealing hogs by the trainload, but nobody knows how many trainloads are unaccounted for.
Many Congressmen are in the middle of the hog waller, covered in mud, yelling “More Pork! I demand more Pork!” Even the Vice President surfaced from under the mud saying “The first porkulus wasn’t enough! We need more pork to finish the job!”
A massive protest is forming called the “Wild Hog Party.” Folks are concerned that so many hogs have been taken in taxes, that in a few years there won’t be any hogs left at all on the farms. Protest signs are saying: “I gave my hog to the government, and all I got back was two lousy pieces of bacon!”
Someone asked the “Boss Hog” what was in upcoming hog-care legislation. She said: “We need to pass the bill before we can find out what’s in the bill.” “But what if we run out of hogs and go broke trying to pay for everything?” The Boss Hog said, “It’s no problem, we can always print more hogs! Oink, Oink!”
Image Information: The image is of Will Rogers, his wife Betty and their three children.
The image was taken directly from movie stills at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
When I was young, I was a Navy brat. My father was a career military man and we lived in a number of different places, including abroad. We also travelled across Europe, following his ship from port to port.
I’ve seen the beautiful cathedrals, Roman ruins and great works of art. I’ve also observed the cultures, but there’s something truly special about being an American.
As usual, Will has a great point to make with the accompanying quote. If we truly understand the greatness of our country by not only seeing our national parks, Washington, D.C., etc., but also understanding the uniqueness of our form of government and the freedoms we have, it will help us put things in better perspective when we travel abroad. Not that we should be filled with an arrogant pride, but rather that we should be filled with thanksgiving for the blessings God has given us.
Will was a true cowboy. He loved roping and herding cattle, but I don’t think he ever worked a steer as large as “Big Jim” in this image.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
“The only difference between death and taxes is that death doesn’t get worse every time Congress meets.”—Will Rogers
It’s just a simple printing press, but it just happens to be the printing press in Washington that prints our money, and it’s got the whole world upset. Everybody knows printing more money brings trouble. Let’s hope the “smart men,” as Will Rogers says, can figure it out.
If Will Rogers knew this 80 years ago, how come “smart men” are still making the same mistakes today?
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will RogersThere’s a lot of rushing around these days. In Wisconsin, legislators are rushing out and protestors are rushing in where they have no business. Like Will Rogers says, they should have never left the place where they came from.
Normal working folks don’t have time to protest because they are busy earning a living. They do make time to vote, and they elected the Governor to take care of business.
Normal legislators are about the people’s business. Running away from their jobs just doesn’t seem right to most people when there are tough decisions to be made.
It seems kind of odd that the people that don’t pay Wisconsin taxes are coming in to the state to protest, and the people that are responsible for deciding how to best manage the tax money are leaving the state.
I think the good people of Wisconsin can take care of their own business without all the rushing around.
Image Info: Once Will Rogers found out he could get places faster by flying he was constantly in the air. From the early days of open cockpit aircraft, like in this picture, Will Rogers was part of the birth of commercial aviation. He knew all the famous pilots including Billy Mitchell, Wiley Post and Charles Lindberg and passionately promoted aviation.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
Will RogersI was shocked when I came across this Will Rogers quote. He was referring to an industry convention of motion picture producers at the time. I normally think of Shirley Temple movies from this time period, not movies with sexual content.
Can you imagine stepping through a time warp from 1934 to today to witness the filth that saturates every broadcast medium today? It seems that Hollywood is always pressing the limits of decency, portraying all manners of social and sexual deviancy as justifiable and even normal.
Somewhere along the way however, movie makers discovered that consumers wanted to see “an old fashioned movie,” as Will Rogers says.
Image Information: This image is a Will Rogers’ publicity shot from the late 1920s or early 1930s.
The image was taken directly from pictures at the Will Rogers Memorial Museum archive. I apologize for the quality of the image, but this is exactly what the 1920s photo looked like when I scanned it. In the hundreds of images contained in this iPhone application, I wanted to share as many different Will Rogers photos as possible from as wide a variety of times and situations – movies, cowboy, vaudeville, with famous people, and family scenes.
Will Rogers is a man worth remembering, and quoting. His wit, humor and insight into life will amaze and astonish you. His life will inspire you. Watch for new blog posts from my Will Rogers quotes collection.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
Will Rogers
What has God done in your life? Anything? If we understand the Bible, everything has purpose and is for God’s glory. Even what we might see as bad things have purpose. God is with us through it all.
In order to truly understand Psalm 52, and praise God as the Psalmist does, we must know God. Jesus made that possible for us. We can know God through his Son!
In this fallen world, the true miracle is that good things can happen to fallen people. In Romans 5:3 it says that “God shows his love for us in that while we were still sinners Christ died for us.” The curse of Genesis is reversed, one sinner at a time!
If we have that relationship with Christ we can begin to flourish. We can begin to trust in God’s unfailing love for ever. We can praise him for all he has done for us.
If you want to seek a relationship with God, may I suggest you read the gospel of John in the Bible. Observe how Jesus brings hope to a fallen world, and ask him to bring hope to you as well.
Dear Lord, Help me to know you, that I may flourish in your love. Help me to understand the gospel, the good news of hope that you bring to the world. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 52 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
The image matched with this quote certainly shows what look like “giant walls” which fits nicely with Spurgeon’s quote. The word munitions normally implies materials used in war, but a second more general meaning is “material or equipment for carrying on any undertaking.” Lord, help us to be secure in whatever task you have planned for us.
I hope you have been blessed by this quote and the accompanying image taken from the Spurgeon Daily Quotes iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Sometimes when I look back, I realize that God was working in my life, and I didn’t realize it at the time. If I could truly see all that God has done for me I think I would praise the Lord with a bit more energy.
In Psalm 47 the Psalmist shouts and sings praises to God. It looks like our sea lion friend in the picture is shouting out in his congregation. I think a deep faith brings forth great praise to God. As our faith grows, so does our praise.
Let’s sing together, brothers and sisters! Let’s sing praises to our King!
Dear Lord, Help my faith to grow, that I may more clearly see the great things you have done for me. Let the praise spill out in abundance as I marvel at your love for me. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 47 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Why would God not delight in sacrifice and offerings? After all, He had set up the sacrificial system to provide His people with a means of dealing with their sins.
The Psalmist makes it clear that our delight should be to do God’s will, and that it should be written on our hearts. Going through the motions of obedience is not enough, it must be from sincere motives and delight in God’s law.
You’ve probably heard the story about the child that was disciplined by his parents, and told to go sit in the corner. His response was: “I may be sitting down on the outside, but I’m standing on the inside.” I can remember a few of those occasions, can you?
Jesus always seemed to deal with people in a way that touched them right at the heart of their motives and needs. We can think of the “Rich Young Ruler,” “The Prodigal Son,” and many other parables and miracles. Jesus’ dealings with people in the Bible were so intimate that no miracle or healing is ever duplicated exactly.
So it is that Jesus touches me, right at the heart of my motivations, so that I may know how much he loves me. As he teaches me to delight in His will, I can only respond with my obedience.
Dear Lord, In your mercy, help me to delight more and more in your will. As I read the Scriptures, let your law become written on my heart. Jesus, please work in my heart, that I may understand your great salvation. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 40 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes ESV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
In this wonderfully uplifting Psalm, we find our two themes of praise and remembrance again. It seems that when I get focused on myself and my problems, that I forget to praise God and remember his blessings.
We also find in verse 8 the remarkable thought that God is a forgiving God, though he punished Israel’s misdeeds. If a parent doesn’t punish and correct their child, they don’t truly love the child. The same is true with God. Because he cares for us, he chastens us, but there is also forgiveness and mercy. At this, the Psalmist proclaims in verse 9: “Exalt the Lord our God!”
The cross of Christ goes even further. Jesus bore our sins and received our punishment. He received the chastisement and wrath of God in our place. Even if we received no other blessing from God, we should remember this. And for this blessing of forgiveness and salvation, we need to “Exalt the Lord our God!”
Dear Lord, If I have never known your forgiveness, and if I have never exalted you, help me to begin now. I receive Jesus into my heart. Let me always remember this moment, and exalt you this day and forever. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 99 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Below is an extra treat! The Sons of Korah have put Psalm 99 to music. Listen to a sample below and purchase your own copy at the iTunes store by clicking on the button.
A group of students from Taylor University were in Egypt for the spring semester, but their stay was cut short by the recent unrest. One of the young ladies is a friend of our family, and we followed the situation closely. We prayed for her safety as Americans were evacuated from Cairo, and the group was finally able to flee to Turkey.
The unrest in Egypt made it dangerous for foreigners and religious groups to stay. Innocent people had been killed at their place of worship. In an instant, you could become an enemy of an angry crowd because of your race or religion. You could be harmless and helpless, as the fawn in the picture, but still become the object of hatred and violence.
I’m sure that Psalm 18 becomes relevant to these students, with the possibility that violence could erupt around them at any moment. They were rescued from violent men and saved from their enemies.
The Psalmists response is praise. Exuberant praise! “O Lord; I will sing praises to your name.” I’m sure these students and their parents are praising God for their deliverance from possible harm.
Our deliverance might not be quite so dramatic, but should our praise be any less? If God can deliver us from small things, then He can deliver us from any thing. We can especially praise God each day for delivering us from our sins through Jesus.
Dear Lord, I praise you for my deliverance and protection. I praise you especially for your great salvation through Jesus Christ your son. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 18 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Who knows what our economic condition is these days – Depression, recession, economic malaise? Whatever it is, a committee has been formed to investigate it. I’m sure their report will tell us what we already know, and will be issued when it is politically convenient.
Are you as amazed as I am that Rogers saw the same problems in 1933 as we face today? Not only is congress holding back relief, as Rogers says, but they caused the financial crisis to begin with!
Perhaps the relief we need is from politicians that care more about themselves than the country.
The picture is from Rogers’ 1921 silent movie, An Unwilling Hero. He plays Whistling Dick, a hobo who loves everything but work. He travels south to New Orleans for the winter and is befriended by Nadine, the daughter of a plantation owner. Dick finds out about a robbery plan and warns Nadine’s father. Out of gratitude he is offered work on the plantation, which inspires him to leave at his earliest convenience.
I hope you have enjoyed this quote from Will Rogers and the accompanying image taken from the Will Rogers iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that might enjoy a bit of wisdom from Will Rogers.
There is perhaps no more beautiful expression of a desire to seek God than “As the deer pants for streams of water, so my soul pants for you, O God.” Once the image is in your mind, you can never forget it. Musicians have crafted it into their melodies (see Sons of Korah below) so we can sing it in the congregation or hum it to ourselves.
Yet the Psalmist, just like all of us, struggles with the question “Where is your God?” We pour out our hearts with tears as doubts creep in and our desire to seek God grows chill. What can I do?
I can remember happier days. Days when my heart was on fire, days when worship excited my soul. Those memories of God’s blessings can help carry us through the times of doubt, but why do we have to go through the valleys? Perhaps, because during time in the valley, my faith can grow even stronger. As my soul begins to thirst after better days I can “pant for streams of water.” I can be drawn toward Christ, the living water (John 4:10).
Dear Lord, Let me thirst for you. Let the dry times increase my desire for you, not diminish it. Let me remember past blessings and praise you for all you have done for me. Let me drink of the living water. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 42 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NIV iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.
Below is an extra treat! The Sons of Korah have put Psalm 42 to music. Listen to a sample below and purchase your own copy at the iTunes store by clicking on the button.
Have you ever wondered why fancy restaurants are so dimly lit? For me, at least, it has to be so that I won’t be embarrassed by food stains down the front of my shirt. When leaving the restaurant, however, and walking out into the light, the problem becomes visible.
It’s interesting that the Psalmist, in this passage from Psalm 27, mentions light and salvation. When God’s light is shined on our lives, we notice the stains of sin, and recognize the need for salvation. The light makes us embarrassed, ashamed and fearful – we want to know how to remove the stains. The light is so brilliant, just like in this picture of the sun and clouds, that nothing can be hidden.
Thanks be to God, that he has provided a savior – Jesus. In many placed the scriptures speak of washing and cleansing. When Jesus cleanses us, we don’t have to fear any more. He also defends our life from attacks of the devil. We are safe with Jesus. We are clean.
Dear Lord, Your light has shown me my sin. I need your salvation. Please wash away my sin, through your son Jesus, and defend me so that I don’t need to be afraid any more. Amen.
I hope you have been blessed by Psalm 27 and the accompanying image taken from the Psalm Daily Quotes NASB iPhone app. Please visit our blog, twitter, or Facebook page regularly and pass these posts on to friends that need an encouraging word.